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Study Abroad USA

Study in USA

Study Abroad • USA

Study in USA

Studying in the USA can be a great opportunity to receive a high-quality education and experience a new culture. Few countries offer as many high ranked universities and noble laureate academia, as USA does.

Why Study In USA

The United States of America has been the most popular country for students who want to study abroad for decades. The universities in the USA have excellent reputations, geography and climate is diverse, and there is a long tradition of welcoming overseas visitors for education and employment.

US universities are unique when it comes to the flexibility offered to select majors over the span of the course. This allows students the freedom to choose from an array of majors and minors and tailor their degree depending on their evolving interests as well as you avoid the risk of repeating classes in case you change your major. Any student who is pursuing a STEM course at undergraduate, postgraduate or MBA level, is eligible to work in the US for at least 3 years after graduating from a university.

The USA is the leading international education destination in the world. The best students from around the world are attracted here, and it’s home to some of the most famous academic institutions with household names: Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, and many more.

A major benefit to the higher education system in the USA is its tremendous course flexibility, especially at the undergraduate level, and the ability to combine majors and add in diverse minors can give you a competitive advantage with future employers looking for candidates with breadth of experience as well as depth of knowledge.

Top Universities

Harvard University
Harvard University, established in 1636, is a private Ivy League university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is ranked 3rd in the QS World University Rankings 2021. 8 U.S. Presidents, 252 Marshall Scholars, 369 Rhodes Scholars, and 188 living billionaires are amongst Harvard’s alumni.

Columbia University
Columbia University, established in 1754, is a private Ivy League university located in New York City. Amongst the alumni are 5 founding fathers of the United States, 3 U.S. Presidents, 96 Nobel Laureates, 11 Olympic Medalists and 33 Academy Award Winners. The third largest private research library in the United States is located on it’s campus.
Wharton (University of Pennsylvania)
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is a private Ivy League University located in Philadelphia and is the oldest collegiate school of business in the world. Warren Buffet, Elon Musk and former CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies are amongst their alumni.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA is a private university established in 1861. It is the top-ranked university in the QS World University Rankings 2021. Nobel laureates, Turing award winners, 41 astronauts have graduated from this university.

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Popular Subjects

Computer science
Business management
Chemical engineering

How Wisemark Global helps you if you are interested in studying in the USA:


Start by researching universities and
programs that interest you. Look
into the admission requirements,
tuition fees, and living expenses.

Standardized Tests

Many universities require standardized tests such as the SAT, ACT, GRE, or
TOEFL. Make sure to research which
tests are required for the programs
you are interested in and schedule
the tests accordingly.

Apply to universities

Start by researching universities and
programs that interest you. Look
into the admission requirements,
tuition fees, and living expenses.


If you are accepted into a university in the USA, you will need to apply for a student visa. The process can take several months, so it is important to start early.

Plan for accommodation

You will need to arrange for accommodation once you arrive in the USA. Some universities offer on-campus housing, while others may assist you in finding off-campus housing.


Studying in the USA can be expensive, so it is important to plan your finances accordingly. Consider scholarships, grants, and student loans to help cover the costs.

Overall, studying in the USA can be a life-changing experience. Make sure to plan ahead, research your options, and prepare for the application process early to maximize your chances of success.

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